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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Kleo, I'm 10 years old, from age I think I have only peace and laziness! I like walks but I prefer to lie much more, get on the grass. I don't look or feel so many years! I am strong and I know that there is still a lot of life ahead of me. Walks are only slow and not too far from home :) Besides, I have a very positive personality, I enjoy everything and the most cookies! I know where they hide them and until I get at least one, even strength will not lead me to the pen. I can bet on my own, unless you have a cookie, then you will convince me;) I have never met the cats but I do not know why they would disturb me in my life, unless they eat cookies! I love to hug myself, I am like a warm soft pillow, I would be an ideal companion for lazing in front of the TV. I am waiting for someone to appreciate my potential and take me to the house. I promise to give a lot of love and joy! Now I live in a pen in Nasielsk, it is 50 km from Warsaw. Can I live in every corner in Poland, only if someone comes for me? I'm waiting! tel. To Aunt Marta 500707082

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